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Nida Abdullah


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We need you to ask yourself this question. ‘Do I want to settle for less, that too, when the sky is the limit?’ We know a majority of you are going to say no, loud and clear, but we also know that half of these people are afraid of spreading their wings.

You need not to be ashamed of that, though. It is completely okay if you are paranoid about your first step, but as long as it is going in the right direction, there is nothing to fear. Hence, to prove that ‘you got this’, we are here with a comprehensive guide about how to land a remote job in 2024.

All you need is a tailored curriculum vitae and a fair chance to apply for your dream job opening. You can make it through. Just trust us and follow the lead. In no time, you will be ready to put your best foot forward. Let’s go!

Unlocking Remote Career Success with Your CV

You are sure, isn’t it? Ditching the physical workplace and the fun that you and your colleagues used to have at work. Are you ready to let go of all that?

If you are still reading, then you are probably ready to look past the temporary benefits for long-term goals. Perhaps this is why you have chosen not to compete with local professionals anymore. Yeah, that will not be a walk in the park, but at least you will be open to broader learning and enhanced growing opportunities. Therefore, to be ready for a big leap, you need to be fully equipped, especially your biggest weapon, your CV. Something that meets that hiring manager before you do.

The Actual Craft

There are three major changes that you need to make in your remote job CV to get a job in 2024. The very first one is to pick the right resume template. A perfect selection will ensure that the document safely passes through the ATS without being rejected. The reason, as suggested by many top CV writers in UAE, is majorly the formatting issue in CVs. So, you better hire professionals for that.

The next step is writing the summary. It is a short paragraph that introduces you precisely to the hiring authorities. It carries your title, experience, achievements, capabilities, and future goals. This is a crucial point to mention that you are looking for a remote opportunity so, also include why you are the fit best for it. If you crack this, you are sure to get a call for an interview.

The third and most crucial step is highlighting your strong work ethic, which makes you an eligible remotely working candidate. Experts have also come up with a list of qualities that you can add to your resume for a superior impression. Here are a few instances:

  1. Tech-Savviness
  2. Faithfulness
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Critical Thinking
  5. Productivity
  6. Organization
  7. Proactive Behaviour
  8. Self-Assessment
  9. Leadership
  10. Creativity

Demonstrate Proficiencies

However, the question is, how do you make sure which RIGHT skills are in the document? Here is a simple trick. Evaluate every skill for these three measures, and if they check the boxes, then they qualify to be included in the resume.

  • Has the employer asked for it in the job post?
  • Is it an in-demand remote talent that could impress the manager?
  • Does it come under the heading of soft skill or hard? (list them separately)

Once you do this little analysis, you need to make sure that the achievement section of your CV includes your proficiency with project management tools. For example, if you work remotely, you will need a messenger like Slack to chat or Zoom for group meetings. Similarly, you will have to be competent in using software such as Jira and Basecamp.

Convince Them to Hire You!

If you want them to hire you, then your CV needs to stand out against all the other in the huge pile. Of course, you do not want to add glitter to your document to make it shine, but yes! You need some virtual medal to help you outshine every applicant. However, by medal, we do not mean a literal one; it is a metaphor for awards and accomplishments.

Thus, begin by incorporating your prior experience of working remotely or in a hybrid. It should be at the top, placed wisely. Then, use 2-3 bullet points to establish how you have managed this before too, and very successfully. You can even hire a cover letter writing help if you face difficulties in phrasing your achievements.

However, if you do not have any previous experience, then there is no need to worry. You can still twist the employer’s arm by mentioning your capability to multitask with a few illustrations.

#1 – Which skills should I own for work-from-home?

The skill set is divided into two subgroups, and they are;

  • Hard Skills: Digital literacy, project management, cybersecurity basics, and data handling.
  • Soft Skills: Adaptability, emotional intelligence, communication, accountability, and time management.

#2 – What is the difference between a traditional and this tailored CV?

The basic difference is on the ground of location. When the job location is an office, the focus is on teamwork, in-person communication, and project management. Whereas when it is work-from-home, then the emphasis lays on virtual leadership skills and flexibility. Moreover, the tailored CV needs to highlight proficiency in tools that make remote working manageable.

#3 – Are flexibility skills important to include here?

Yes, they are very important, because the employees working from the comfort of their homes do not have any direct supervisors.

#4 – What are some common mistakes in writing a remote job resume?

  • Adding general information
  • Omitting quantified data (experience)
  • Ignoring technological skills
  • Lacking evidence of adaptability

Final Thoughts…

Do you remember what we asked you at the beginning of this article? We hope you have an answer now. The sky is surely the limit, and you are a free bird. Be more open to challenging yourself, and you will see yourself achieve unbelievable things in life.

There is not one bottom line of this article, but there are many specific things that you must have learned on this journey. For starters, you need to make sure your self-motivating and disciplined behavior is reflected in the resume. The second most important thing is that you must modify your document for every job opening that you apply for as it helps you stay relevant.

After that, you must never omit the usage of suitable keywords in the CV. This makes the ATS recognize your statement quicker. Lastly, forget anything but to revise your resume. Editing and proofreading by an unbiased person is crucial.

Thus, these tips and tricks can be a total game changer. They assist you in developing an exceptional personal statement that grabs the attention of recruiters. Therefore, Good luck with your job hunt!

7 Strategies To Land Your Dream Job With TopCV
How To Write A Project Manager Resume

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